Friday, November 27, 2009

Check Out Our World Traveler...

It looks like Nick Rapp (the guy attempting to drive around the world) has made it to Mexico! If you want to catch up to him, check out the link on the bottom of the sidebar (to the right).  It's called "Trans World Expedition."  Pretty interesting! Remember, at the bottom of his blog, there is a link to older posts, so you can read last week's postings as well. What do you think of his travels so far? (Post a comment.) Hope you're enjoying your break so far!


  1. I think what he's doing is really cool. I just feel bad that no one thought he could do it in the beggining. I am glad he finnaly made it to Mexico!

    happy holidays yall!


  2. I wonder if his adventure would turn into a novel, like Three Cups of Tea. Maybe even a movie. What do you think?

    Samantha Tuttle

  3. I don
    t know about a movie, but turning it into a bookmwould be really cool!


  4. I agree with samantha, it would make an interesting book/ movie.

  5. I agree. I think a book would be cool, but a movie would be pretty boring. they would have to add some exciting parts other than just visiting different places. I wonder how we could get him to write a book of his experiences

  6. What do you think he will title the book or movie?

    Samantha Tuttle

  7. I think what he's doing is really cool and exciting! I would be thirlled to be in his place, though I would hate the dangers. I agree with Madison, Tara, and Samantha that a book would be really cool! I would love to read it if he did write one! :)

  8. Probably either "Trans World Expedition"(after his blog) or mabey "The Year of Living Dangerusly"(sorry i spelled it wrong)

  9. I think it's so awesome that he's traveling the world,i want to do that when i grow up! I wonder how Nadia's doing with that cold, hope she's okay. Well, adios, im over and out!

  10. Do you think he studied the languages before going?

    Or does he have a translator with him?

    I would, because if I were on the journey he's taking, it would probably be most helpful.

    Samantha Tuttle

  11. I think if they made a book or a movie. it would kind of ruin the whole story. i love the fact that he has a blog. I don't think it would be nearly as fun or exiting if they made it all "commerical." i love having to get online and check out what there up to.

    A book would sell but not be as interesting. you no what i mean?
    sorry to be a downer haha.

    -Ethan Reed :c)

  12. I bet he has a translater with him. It would be hard to learn 7 diff. languages and remember them all.LOL!

  13. I think he's doing a great thing. I wouldn't want to drive around the world, though. I wouldn't want to be away from my friends and family that long. I want him to make it though. He'll have a great story to tell.

  14. I think it would be kool if we could email or make contact with him and mabe have him talk to us (even though that would be pretty impossible). It would still be kool.

  15. I hope he like, doesn't run into anything really bad and hope he makes it back home.
    He'll have a great story to tell, like Bailey said.

    From Cassie Gilles. ♥

  16. Well, I follow him on Twitter, so I know when a new post is up. I really like how he gets to see a lot of different cultures. Gotta go put on a chicken suit!


  17. i can't find anything 'cause i'm so far behind! well, except for how "fun" LA is, or at least not the busy downtown area. (please note that LA means los angeles, not language arts)
