Monday, October 25, 2010

Up and Running for Fall 2010!

Now that 2nd quarter is almost underway, it's time to update the blog. This is a great place for us to continue conversations from class. We've been looking at TransWorld Expedition, Nicolas Rapp's blog about his driving trip around the world.  If you could interview him today, what would you ask? (Be sure to sign your first name to your comment!)


  1. I would ask, when did you start to think about this, when did you take it seriously, and where did you hear about it?
    Anna Farrell

  2. How long did you have to save your money for the trip?


  3. I would as him how he came up with this idea.

  4. I would ask why he went on this journey, and what he expects to complete with the journey

    Shuangshi Ye

  5. i would ask him if he's always had a deram to this?

    Dhruv Taneja!

  6. What was it like to travel around the world in that 1996 Toyota SUV?


  7. I'm interested in animals so if i could interview Nicolas Rapp, Iwould ask him what type of animals he saw. I would also ask him if he got to interact with the animals (ei. ride an elephan.)
    -Hannah Flemister

  8. I would ask him if he had ever gone insane in that car for so long because my family and I drove to Yellowstone national park last summer and I thought that I was going to go insane.

    -Cole Steele

  9. I would ask him what inspired him to go around the world and do what he is doing?. i would also ask him if he has favorite place around the world? and what would you do if you weren't traveling?

    Ryan Clay

  10. i would ask him where does he et the money..i am mean he has a donate place on his website but he doesn't work anymore and the money that people donate to him..well that doesnt seem like that would be enough. also i would ask him where does he get the urge to travle i mena i love traveling but i get tired of being in the car and not on my couch.
    -Olesya Tehan

  11. First off I would <3 to ask him questions :D but here's what I would ask him aern't you a little scared you won't make it because of health conditions? does it get all stuffy in that van? and finally what is Africa really like cuz i know nothing about my owwn home :,( but that is what I would ask- Wezi Zyambo

  12. i would ask him if he met anybody that really helped him along the way.

  13. My question:

    When Looking at your blog, I've noticed that you don't visit major (by American standards, at least) cities. Why is that, or is it just me?

    -Eddie Gao

  14. I would ask him why he choose to go around the world, and how he felt when he bgan his journey. Also I would ask him how he calculated the money it would cost to finish this trip. Maybe I would even ask him what he liked and what he disliked from the foods he has already eaten from the different countries. Kirsten Ensminger

  15. I would ask him why did he does this? I would also ask what has been his biggest problem besides the car on his whole journey? Those are the only questions I have right now.

    ~Hailee Wilhelm

  16. If I could interview Nicholas Rapp I would ask him if he misses home and if he regrets doing the trip.
    Madison McGraw

  17. I would ask, "What has been the most difficult for you so far? What has been the most rewarding?"

    -Emily ;P

  18. if i could interview him right now i would ask him what he has learned and what it was like for him to do that.

    cam redding,

  19. What wildlife did you encounter? Or maybe ask him what types of food did he eat? I have to many questions.

  20. I would ask him what gave him the idea to travel around the world and if he could spend more time in one country that he has been to, which country would he go to.

    -Rachel Mackov

  21. I would ask him how long he plans to travel. Also, if he could choose one counrty he visited to back to, which one would he choose?

    *~Amelia Johnson~*

  22. Was the trip anything like you expected it to be?

    ~Jeanette Gardner

  23. I would ask "can i come with you??"

    But really, i would ask if he has to convert his US money or does he just carry all of the countrys money in his jeep?

  24. I would ask him if he had any experience in traveling like this before he decided to like do what hes doing now.

    Adam Green

  25. I would ask him if he needed to prepare mentally and physically and if so how much.

    Avery Roe

  26. What would you do if you werent doing this?
    Have you had any trouble with the people from different countries?

    ~Carley Brown~

  27. Why would you want to travel around the world? Did you think that it was a waist of time? Are you enjoying the dicovery of the way other people live through out the world?

    -Emily B

  28. oh other stuff I wanna add have you ever been face-to-face with a lion (even though i know africa is not even half like that) and also do you think or know wether or not your famous

  29. i would as him several things but the many thing is: Was there anything n the trip that u didn't expect?

  30. I would ask "Why aer yor doing this?"

    Alador N. Sisay

  31. Here's my question

    Does it ever get lonely driving around in your car? I know that there's other people in the countries/cities that he's in, but there would be other people with him in the car when he drives.

  32. If I was traveling I would want to stop and see the beautiful views, so why are you leaving different places so fast? And which place has been your favorite?

  33. I would ask him if he would ever try to travel around the world again, but this time try to take a different route and go through different countries

    ~Elise Katz

  34. I would ask him if he met anyone that impacted his life, and I would ask him what was his favorite food that he tried in a country (assuming he tried a new food).
    Evvy DeWeese

  35. I would ask him how he is going to ship his car across the pacific, since the pacific is so great a distance across. I would also ask him if he would stop in his trans-pacific journey, and, if so, where?

  36. I would ask, did you think that the journey would be hard to do when you had to ship your car and also the posibility of beating your car there what would you do????

    ♥ Autumn Shelby♥

  37. I would ask Mr. Rapp what his favorite country he visitd was, and his favorite city, and why. Also, I would ask if he thought it would've been better if Nadia (or someone else) traveled with him the whole time, or if it was better alone. As well as those questions, I would ask whether he will leave the U.S. ever to live in another country. And if he answers yes, where?

  38. I would ask him how does he translate with all different kinds of people all over the world? Also i would ask him if differents countries had a different kind of money how would he get there kind of money to get food,gas and stuff like that?

    ~Syd Runyan~ :)

  39. What drove you to drive around the world and how were you able to aford this?

  40. I would ask him what he is going to do once his trip is done.

  41. If I could interview him I would ask him what is one of his greatest struggles... besides his car. :)

  42. I would ask him if he is glad to come back home. Also if he enjoys driving long distances.

    ChRiStO bOuDrEaUlT

  43. I would ask him what kinds of foods he has been able to try.

    Anna Willson

  44. i would ask him how much money he had to save up


  45. I would ask him what the people from different cultures think of him!

    Megan Moore :)

  46. I would ask what his favorite food was before he went on the trip and if it has changed since he's been to all these countries...

  47. i would ask him what the craziest part of the trip was, how much it cost him, and what was scary about the journey?

  48. also if he would do it again if he could and if on a different route:)

  49. My question is "what was your strangest adventure traveling around the world?"

    Patrick Foley

  50. I would ask what is his favorite country he has visited so far, and why?

    Anna Bobay :-)

  51. I would ask him how he has the patience to drive thousands of miles in an SUV. If so, I would like to learn how!

    ~Jack Farrell

  52. I would ask him what was his weirdest experience while traveling across the world?

    Patrick Foley

  53. i would ask him if he had met someone that really helped him in one of his times of need.

    ~ Jack Nourse

  54. ooooohhhhh Are eighth grader allowed to post???? ANYWAY!!!! I would ask him how stressed he was and when and if he told his parents what that was like....

  55. I'm into animals so I would ask him if he saw any animals and what type he saw. I would also ask him what if he saw any animals that he had never seen before and got to interact with them!
    ~Hannah~<:0~-| (blowing out candle on b-day cake)
